Friday, August 9, 2013

Making Up for Lost Time

As if that were possible.  Too much time gone by.

Anyway, yesterday, I was at the chiropractor, I've just decided that I'll be calling him, Doc Snappy, and we got to talking about rugby.  Disclosure time (mostly so you don't think all I can do is write about rugby):  Doc Snappy is Spousetacular's co-coach for rugby.  They're becoming good friends.  Which is awesome.  So, during all the "Just Walk Away, Rene" days, the ugliness of some of the parents, etc., Doc Snappy was there for all of that.  But I digress; we got to talking about rugby and Rene, who still hasn't walked away.  Rene considers himself an ambassador for rugby...give me a minute, I need to wash the vomit from my mouth with a little Diet Coke.  So, I told Doc Snappy that I had blogged about the whole ordeal with Rene.  Well, of course, that got me thinking of how badly I'd neglected this blog.  So I took a look-see last night, and my last post, in which I apologize profusely for slacking, was in June.  So, ok, yeah.  Bad blog mommy.

School is back in session, so the Boy is off to Sophomore year.  Driver's Ed this year.  Ugh.  We've done a little driving together.  He's a nervous wreck driving.  I think it's a control thing.  He wants to be perfect at it immediately.  He's not.  No surprise.  I keep trying to get him to relax, but then he under steers and heads for the nearest hydrant, with the car.  Hopefully, some time on the simulators will help with that.  Otherwise, Spousetacular has his work cut out for him.

I really need to get a grip on my sleep - the insomnia is back.  It was fine in Iceland.  I don't know why.  Maybe because it was light all day, so when I went to bed, it was like taking an afternoon nap.  I like a nap, so that made it easy.  But now that we're back...yeah, not so much on the sleep front.  Well, not that I can't sleep.  I just can't get there earlier enough.  So getting up in the morning is hell.  Guess what?  Appears the Boy has the same issue.  Damn, I feel badly for passing that one on.

So, my book is just about ready for the query process to begin.  And when I say just about ready, I mean maybe...once I get over myself and my stupid insecurity.  Yep, it's in the finishing stages.  I should just suck it up and get it out there.  I know the logic and the theory, if it never gets read, who knows if it would have been rejected.  I know that.  It's just me.  But then I read that E.L. James of the Fifty Shades trilogy made $91 million.  REALLY????  $91 MILLION?  Ladies, we need to talk.  But first, I got a book to finish...

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