Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back to our regular program, already in progress...

Went to Asheville (NC) over the weekend with some friends.  Girls' weekends are great.  I whole-heartedly endorse them.  I was one of those women who didn't do the girls' trips for the first 16 years of marriage, then I decided I would.  Fantastic!  No schedule, no agenda, no issues.  Just four women, a hotel room, a few bottles of wine, some great food, and a trip to Biltmore House.  Which, by the way, if you live in the South, or you happen to come through, you need to go there.  But go soon.  When I make bags of cash, I'm buying that bad boy.  Kidding.  Wish I weren't.  By the way, I've figured out that some of the smartest, funniest women I know of are my friends, and none of them have their own TV shows.

Anyway, I'm home now so it's time to get back into the routine.  Laundry in the washer, mail has been sorted, and comments from my editor friend read. That was kind of a Sally Field moment because he likes the book.  He likes it, he really does.  Here's a little proof:
Yeah, that's a feel good.  I have some issue to work out with the book, but I'll get there.  So, it makes me feel good that I've got a decent book in the works.  I'm hoping to get it into print soon. I'm hoping folks will buy it.
In addition to that, I'm also on the "Working to Wellness" program.  I'm finding it a bit frustrating because I'm not really losing the weight I thought I would be.  Not gaining any, but not losing either, and frankly that was the whole idea.  I'm counting calories, weighing and measuring, walking, etc., but it's just not coming off.  I know genetically, I'm not exactly predisposed to thinness.  But damn, I'd like a little something to be coming off here.  Oh well, I guess more walking it is.

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