Thursday, February 7, 2013

With a Spring in my Step...

I got duped by the weather yesterday.  The day was amazing - sunny, in the 70s.  Perfect outdoor weather.  Lady and I spent some time outside, she walked around the yard while I took some photos.  Appears even the tulip bulbs have been duped...
Quite a few of the bulbs I planted in October are starting to pop up through our lovely Georgia clay.  I'm looking forward to seeing how many of the 100 bulbs I planted survived squirrel foraging.  I noticed several holes had been dug in the general vicinity of my tulip beds, and, the cheeky little rodents with whom we share our home are looking very smug and well fed.  They appear to be getting very comfortable with us, too.  Last weekend, The Boy came rushing out of his room, very dramatically for a 15 year old boy whose usual attitude is Tres Blase'.  Apparently, one of our squirrel tenants was finding it difficult to reach the attic via the normal tree-gutter-roof route and was scratching at his window trying to gain access, about 2 feet from where The Boy was sitting.  Scared the bahgeezus out The Boy.  I wonder if the previous owners of this house fed the squirrels, because usually, squirrels are not that brazen (If I knew was female squirrel at his window, I could call her a "brazen hussy").  We've been told that the former owners had a salt lick in the back yard for the deer and the deer would actually give birth in back yard.  Thinking...maybe not on the salt lick.
The tulips and I were not the only ones duped by the lovely weather...
 Here's one of our new Camellia bushes, already in bud. I'm looking forward to seeing these in bloom. I really like Camellias. They're a happy flower. We have some very large, obviously older, ones along the property boundaries, and we missed blooming times last year. I hope they all bloom. There's a nursery in southern Georgia that specializes in Camellias. I may need to make a trip. Oh all right, since you asked: But don't go all buy happy on me so that by the time rugby season is over there are no Camellias left for me. Do me a solid, because I'm the one who turned you on to this place.  

This is Tama Americana, and I would like to have
one of these for my yard.  Available through
Loch Laurel Nursery in Valdosta. 
See link.
Today, the weather has reverted to typical Southern Winter:  rainy and coldish.  The kind of day when I would love to bake brownies, and then eat the entire pan while watching the rain fall.  I am watching the rain fall, but not eating brownies.  In fact, I'm trying to stay out of the kitchen today.  First, because I'll be tempted to make brownies, which I'll then be tempted to eat.  Second, because the kitchen needs cleaning.  I'm not in the mood to that.  It's presentable, that's close enough.  And it's cloudy out, you can't really see the dirt. 

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