Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Strapped in, buckled up, ready to go.

So, after years of careers that circled professional writing, and the encouragement (needling, pushing, pestering) of certain family members and friends, I'm taking on a blog.  I have to admit, I haven't felt this much fear, intimidation, and sheer panic in many a year...Frankly, I haven't put any of my creative writing out into the literary world since college, admittedly in the late 1980s.  There was once a time when creativity, especially writing, was part of my daily life.  Then I ran smack into a responsible adulthood and my forays into creativity were relegated to realm of someday. 

Apparently, someday has arrived.  I am not truly ready to go as the title of this post states, but I am making that commitment to give this blog a chunk of time, every day.  I have a friend who blogs regularly as PractiGal, and she has resolved that this year she is going to spend 15 minutes per day writing.  I hope to do at least that much (she works outside the home, I currently do not).  Now that I have put that in writing, I guarantee that I will mentally bludgeon myself into a mass of self-loathing pulp if I don't keep up with this blog.  Trust me, no one is harder on me than I am -- I have decades of experience being my own worst critic.

I'm not sure where this blog will head topic wise.  It may just end up being a sort of keyboard confessional.  I have a hermitesquely private spouse and son for whom the phrase keyboard confessional raises paranoia to oxygen rare heights.  As of this point, I'm not sure where I'll go next with this blog.  If you read the "About Me" post, you'll see that I have earned several degrees, held a number of positions with various organizations, and lived on two continents and in five states.  So, while maybe the phrase "Been There, Done That" is cliche', I actually think it's appropriate for me. 

Therefore, with no further delay, I am now being there and doing that, again.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you started your blog! You definitely need to stop being your own worst critic (and so do I, but that is a topic for another blog…) and become your own biggest cheerleader. If you don't, who will? And if you are already cheering, it is so much easier for others to jump in with both feet and cheer you on too!
