Saturday, June 29, 2013

Apologies, apologies.

Alright, shroud of shame is firmly wrapped around my shoulders.  I know I haven't posted in months, but frankly, I've been busy!  Lilly and Daniel volume 1 is off to two readers.  It's driving me nuts, because I want to revise so badly already, but I'm waiting to see what the readers say.  Right now, the book is almost 176,000 words -- too long for a first novel (think Outlander by Diana Gabaldon length).  So, it's most likely going to get split into two, which will give me two books to market at once. 

The other reason I haven't posted in a while...we went to Iceland on vacation.  I know, right?  Iceland!!  Loved it.  I need to write more about that and get more posts going, I know.  Right now, that would probably be a good diversion, too, because I am crawling out of my skin...